I risultati del progetto Reading (&) Machine verranno presentati al Festival dell’Innovazione e Scienza di Settimo Torinese https://festivaldellinnovazione.settimo-torinese.it/ Reading (&) Machine è a cura del Centro SmartData, del Laboratorio di Realtà Virtuale e del Dipartimento di Automatica e Informatica del Politecnico di Torino e finanziato da Fondazione Tim. Il progetto […]
This year SmartData@PoliTO will contribute to the ADBIS 2022 conference as sponsor by offering 4 registrations to promote the presentation of research on database theory, development of advanced DBMS technologies and solutions for data engineering and analytics, and their advanced applications. Looking forward to listen exciting presentations!
Parte il progetto Reading (&) Machine, a cura del Centro SmartData, del Laboratorio di Realtà Virtuale e del Dipartimento di Automatica e Informatica del Politecnico di Torino e finanziato da Fondazione Tim. Il progetto verrà sviluppato in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Studi Storici dell’Università di Torino e con le […]
Dear SmartDaters, the new SmartTalk edition will take place every two Mondays at 17:30.Let’s meet for a SmartTalk kickoff party on Monday, November 8, at 17:30 in the new SmartData offices, on the 3rd floor of C.so Francesco Ferrucci, 112.All SmartData PhD students are warmly welcome to join and it will be […]
Welcome to new PhD students of 36° cycle. On 18th January 2021, each student exposed a brief presentation about himself: Perna Gianluca Jha Nikhil Ciociola Alessandro Manigrasso Francesco Colomba Luca Vacchetti Bartolomeo Bethaz Paolo Greco Salvatore Valentim Rodolfo
We are happy to announce that Francesco Della Santa has received the “Young Researcher Presenter” award at the XXIII Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR2020) for the presentation “Graph Informed Neural Networks for Flux Regression in Discrete Fracture Networks” (Stefano Berrone, Francesco Della Santa, Antonio Mastropietro, Sandra Pieraccini, Francesco Vaccarino). […]
The PIMCity European project has organized the workshop “Be Aware! Keep Calm and read your privacy policies”, which will take place (virtually) on 25th November 2020 at 16:00 CEST. The workshop aims to provide customers and entities whose activities involve the processing of personal data with key elements of privacy […]
Unveiling Community Dynamics on Instagram Political Network By: Carlos Henrique Gomes Ferreira, Fabrício Murai, Ana Paula Couto Da Silva, Jussara Marques De Almeida, Martino Trevisan, Luca Vassio, Idilio Drago and Marco Mellia ABSTRACTOnline Social Networks (OSNs) allow users to generate and consume content in an easy and personalized way. Among […]
On Tuesday the 19 of May, we’ll have the (virtual) kickoff meeting of the AI4NET project – the Huawei Research Chair on AI for Anomalous Traffic analysis.It marks the start of an exiting collaboration between SmartData@PoliTO and Huawei Datacom FRC lab in Paris on topics related to network data analysis […]
During these difficult weeks, as researchers, we all wondered about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Internet traffic, and our Universities and teaching in general. In Politecnico di Torino, have collected some data to support this evidence, comparing data before and after the pandemic. Polito deployed an in-house e-learning […]
We have up to 5 PhD positions available for the summer sessions. Topics will be defined in the next days, but feel to contact us in case you are interested in. Note that the application deadline expires on May 14th! So hurry up!
Also this year the SmartData@PoliTO center is happy to collaborate with TOP-IX for the organization of the BigDive 2020. Despite the COVID-19 – the Big Dive will be held regularly! Check the official website for more details.