In the following post, we offer the data and the code to replicate the figures regarding CMP adoption included in the paper “Consent Management Platforms: Growth and Users’ Interactions over Time“, currently under revision. In summary, the paper shows how Consent Management Platforms have become popular in the last 9 […]
In this webpage, you can find the dataset we used in the paper: “A First Look at Starlink Performance” François Michel, Martino Trevisan, Danilo Giordano, Olivier Bonaventure. To Appear on the 2021 ACM Internet Measurement Conference. Summary With new Low Earth Orbit satellite constellations such as Starlink, satellite-based Internet access […]
The Eighth Workshop of the Interdepartmental Center SmartData@PoliTO will be held on February 25 and 26, 2022 in Arenzano (Genova) at the wonderful Grand Hotel Arenzano. We will meet to present and discuss activities carried over in the center, inviting PhD students to discuss their ongoing work and new members […]
In collaboration with the SmartData Center, the master student Vito Gambina is carrying out a thesis in the context of the Pimcity project, a European project that aims to improve and make users’ Internet browsing safer. We made two scripts (Windows and Mac or Linux) to collect your Chrome preferences to understand users’ awareness over […]
This webpage contains additional material of the paper: “Real-Time Classification of Real-Time Communications“ Published in IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, July 2022 Authors: Gianluca Perna, Dena Markudova, Martino Trevisan, Michela Meo, Paolo Garza, Maurizio Munafò, Giovanna Carofiglio The data You can find the dataset and the classifiers on […]
The PIMCity European project has organized the workshop “Be Aware! Keep Calm and read your privacy policies”, which will take place (virtually) on 25th November 2020 at 16:00 CEST. The workshop aims to provide customers and entities whose activities involve the processing of personal data with key elements of privacy […]
This repository contains data and information regarding the paper: Anna Maria Mandalari, Andra Lutu, Ana Custura, Ali Safari Khatouni, Özgü Alay, Marcelo Bagnulo, Vaibhav Bajpai, Anna Brunstrom, Jörg Ott, Martino Trevisan, Marco Mellia, Gorry Fairhurst. “Measuring Roaming in Europe: Infrastructure and Implications on Users’ QoE“. Currently under revision Summary “Roam […]
This repository contains data and information regarding the paper: Ali Safari Khatouni and Martino Trevisan and Danilo Giordano and Mohammad Rajiullah and Stefan Alfredsson and Anna Brunstrom and Cise Midoglu and Ozgu Alay, “An Open Dataset of Operational Mobile Networks”, submitted in the 18th ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management […]
This webpage contains additional material of the paper: A comparative study of RTC applications Year: 2020 Authors: Antonio Nisticò, Dena Markudova, Martino Trevisan, Michela Meo Identification of the Applications In the following table we report attributes of the Meeting applications that could be used to identify them: Autonomous System (AS) […]
This webpage contains additional material of the paper: Martino Trevisan, Francesca Soro, Marco Mellia, Idilio Drago, and Ricardo Morla. 2020. Does domain name encryption increase users’ privacy? SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev. 50, 3 (July 2020). Available here. Summary Knowing domain names associated with traffic allows eavesdroppers to profile users without […]
ERRANT is an advanced emulator of radio access networks, tuned thanks to a large-scale measurement campaign on operational mobile networks. It uses tc-netem to install traffic shaping policies, allowing the user to choose between 32 profiles that differ for emulated operator, RAT (3G or 4G) and signal quality. The exact parameters of […]
ProfessorsProf. Luca Vassio and Martino Trevisan Period and DurationMay and June 2020 (20 hours) – More details to come LocationTo Be Decided Description In this course, we will explore data analysis and prediction topics using complex network datasets. In particular, our focus will be on temporal and structural data. We will […]