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Yearly Archives: 2019
We make available to the community our categorization scripts (e.g., how categories or sections assigned by editors to articles are grouped together to form broad categories) as well as a sample of 80K categorized articles using this method (dataset Published-articles in our paper). This should give the reader (who masters […]
Presenter: Francesco Bonchi (ISI Foundation) Thursday, April 11th, 2019 16:30 Location: Aula A1 DISAT – Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 Get ticket on Eventbrite Abstract Suppose we have identified a set of subjects in a terrorist network suspected of organizing an attack. Which other subjects, likely to be involved, should […]
Presenter: Lorenzo Rosasco – Associate Professor at the University of Genova Monday the 11 March 2019 at 15:00 Location: Politecnico di Torino, DET, Conference room Maxwell Abstract Classic algorithm design is based on penalising or imposing explicit constraints to an empirical, objective function, which is eventually optimised. In practice, however, […]
The Fourth Industrial Revolution: promises and pitfalls in blending new and traditional approaches in manufacturing and service sectors ASP XIVcycle – Winter School 2019 Location: Loano (SV), Italy When: March, 11 –15 The course intends to explore the main challenges and perils produced by the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the […]
Thanks for the success of the 4th SmartData@PoliTO Workshop! Starting from the speakers to the many people who joined the event. A special thanks goes also to the workshop organizers for their big engagement. We are uploading talk’s slides on the Workshop pages (for both internal and open session). See […]
This simulator is a trace-drive simulator which relies on the real data coming from Car2go, a car sharing provider working in 25 cities spread around the world. Please notice that the code is available, but the data is subjected to some restrictions. The simulator has been used in the following […]
Widening our horizons! Big Data technologies & Data Science applications The 4th Workshop of the SmartData@PoliTO Interdepartmental Center will be held on February 28th, 2019 at Politecnico di Torino – AULA MAGNA (was Sala Consiglio di Facoltà). It is an open workshop where people from companies and research centers present their […]
Sfruttare le opportunità offerte dall’innovazione digitale costituisce un fattore critico per il successo e la sopravvivenza delle imprese in tutti i settori industriali, compresi quelli tradizionali. In questo scenario di trasformazione gli investimenti nelle tecnologie di Industria 4.0 sono cruciali.Tuttavia per attuare la trasformazione digitale accanto ai cambiamenti tecnologici occorre fare evolvere anche le competenze, i modelli […]
The 4th Workshop of the SmartData@PoliTO Interdepartmental Center will be held on February 27th and 28th, 2019 in Turin at Politecnico di Torino. The workshop consists of two parts: – an internal session on Wednesday 27th afternoon and Thursday 28th morning, reserved to internal members – an open public session […]
The data are available to the community in anonymized form for further investigation at the following link (external) The dataset has been used for the following papers: A. Morichetta, M. Trevisan, L. Vassio, J. Krickl. Understanding web pornography usage from traffic analysis. Computer Networks, Elsevier, 189, 107909, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2021.107909 […]
Presenter: Alberto Messina Thursday, January 24th, 2019 16:00 Location: Maxwell Room 5th Floor DET – Corso Castelfidardo, 42/a Get ticket on Eventbrite Abstract This speech will focus on the motivations and possible approaches underlying the adoption of AI in the field of Public Service Media. Rai ‘s R&D long experience […]