OBIETTIVI FORMATIVI Obiettivo generale del percorso formativo è quello di accrescere il livello delle competenze professionali di tipo tecnico-specialistico, possedute dai partecipanti.Dal punto di vista dei contenuti, il corso mira a formare competenze specifiche nei seguenti campi: Statistica per Data Science Intelligenza Artificiale: Machine Learning e Reti Neurali Fondamenti di […]
Yearly Archives: 2019
Giulia Fracastoro, Enrico Magli and Diego Valsesia have received the Best Paper Award at the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), which was held in Taipei during Sept. 2019, for their paper “Image denoising with graph-convolutional neural networks”. ICIP is the leading IEEE conference on image processing research, […]
Let’s try to keep them in the open space as much as possible (most of these books are available for free on the internet in case you need to access them elsewhere). Like this, everyone will be able to find the books she or he needs. If you need to […]
Conda can distribute conda environments to be used with Apache Spark jobs when deploying jobs on Apache YARN. By bundling your environment for use with Spark, you can make use of all the libraries provided by conda, and ensure that they are consistently provided on every node. If you are […]
TAG People is Talent Garden’s online platform: a virtual meeting point for the entire global community as well as a digital tool to make use of everyday services on campus. From the web site you can: book conference rooms get in touch with other “OGR’s people” join events receive news […]
Schedule: July, 8th from 9.00 to 12.30 Location: Sala Consiglio di Facoltà, Politecnico di Torino – Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, Torino (TO) REGISTRATION is free and it is STRICTLY REQUIRED to access the event, seats are limited: please use the following link (click here). On Monday July 8th there will […]
Social networks allow personalities and companies to communicate directly with the public, without the filter of traditional media. People rely on social networks to keep up to date with their hobbies or interest. Recently the political debate has also moved online. Here we present an ongoing study on the interactions […]
A year and a half after the Center’s activities began, we are pleased to welcome colleagues who join our community. We are therefore pleased to formalize the adhesion to the SmartData@PoliTO Center of the following colleagues and colleagues: Luca Cagliero – DAUIN – who deals with ML and AI and […]
The Fifth Workshop for the Interdepartmental Center SmartData@PoliTO will be held on September 26th and 27th, 2019 in Langhe (Piedmont). Date: Thursday September 26th and Friday September 27th Location: Hotel Barolo, Via Lomondo, 2, 12060 Barolo (CN) Chairs: Daniele Apiletti & Martino Trevisan Thursday, September 26th Coffee break: 10:00 – […]
SmartData@PoliTO Center (under “SuperPip” nickname) was awarded the challenge issued by the European Space Agency (ESA) to “super-resolve” images from the PROBA-V satellite. The challenge featured unique problems involving estimating a high resolution version of a scene from multiple low-resolution acquisitions taken within 30 days of each other. In this competition you […]
The “Amazon AWS Cloud Services – Technologies and Opportunities” workshop’s slides are available at the following link. Download Introduction_AWS_Services