Presenter: Indaco Biazzo Monday 18th December, 17:30 Location: “Maxwell conference room” – 5th floor of the Electronic Department Politecnico di Torino – Corso Castelfidardo 42, Torino Abstract The scientific production in the Big Data domain uses, usually, a huge amount of data to make quantitative studies on arguments that few decades ago […]
Yearly Archives: 2017
[Added November 2017] TOP-IX has an open position for data scientist who wish to join TOP-IX team working on different scaling approaches. Rapidly growing interest in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Science leads to the fact that data processing techniques are becoming more and more common in modern business environments, […]
[Added November 2017] Safran Analytics is the Group’s dedicated big data entity, tasked with creating value by tapping into the wealth of data generated through Safran’s business activities. As the digital workplace progressively becomes reality, the aerospace, defense and security industries are generating massive volumes of data, via both production […]
[Added November 2017] Shift Technology has several positions for data scientist to involve them in their team of fraud detection applications. After a few short months of joining our data scientist team you will be able to: Understand insurance data and fraud mechanisms; Create the associated mathematical models; Implement, test and […]
Presenter: Angelo Vulpiani Thursday 30th November, 17:30 Location: “Maxwell conference room” – 5th floor of the Electronic Department Politecnico di Torino – Corso Castelfidardo 42, Torino Abstract In many situations, it is not trivial write evolutionary equations starting from general theories. A typical situation is present while analyzing ecological models. […]
Indice Presenti Assenti Prossima riunione 30/11 h 18:30 Argomenti di discussione SmartSeminar – responsabili Pagnani – Vaccarino Corsi dottorato – responsabili Chiusano – Baralis Richieste cofin AdR, RTD-A, visiting professor – responsabile Mellia Nomine advisory board – responsabile Vaccarino Sito Web e social- responsabile Danilo Giordano + Luca Cagliero […]
Presenter: Christophe Diot Monday 30th October, 16:00 Location: “Maxwell meeting room” – 5th floor of the Electronic Department Politecnico di Torino – Corso Castelfidardo 42, Torino Abstract Safran in an international leader in the aerospace industry, mainly with its CFM 56 engine (built in a JV with GE) that equips […]
PhD Course “Text mining and analytics” Professor Luca Cagliero Period and duration November 2017 – 15 hours Detailed schedule DATE TIME LOCATION Tuesday November 14th, 2017 From 8.30 am to 12.30 pm SALA C Thursday November 16th, 2017 From 8.30 am to 12.30 pm SALA C Tuesday November 21th, 2017 […]
The First Workshop for the new Interdepartmental Center SmartData@PoliTO will be help on September 22, 2017 in Belgirate. A full day workshop, collecting colleagues and students for sharing ideas, interests and competences, with the aim to setup research collaborations and bootstrap activities of the new center. Logistics: Getting there: Meeting: […]
Lunedì 9 ottobre, 16:00 Sala Consiglio di Facoltà Politecnico di Torino Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino Il centro SmartData@PoliTO si concentra sulle tecnologie Big Data e approcci Data Science. Competenze di diversi settori sono ibridate per creare un centro altamente interdisciplinare e ben riconosciuto in cui […]
Indice Presenti Prossima riunione 30/10 h 17:00 Discussione su attività di didattica e formazione Risorse Logistica e organizzazione Ricerca Contratti e collaborazioni con aziende Collaborazioni con università Presenti Marco Mellia – Coordinatore Elena Baralis – Membro Paolo Neirotti – Membro Andrea Pagnani – Membro Francesco Vaccarino – Membro Luca Cagliero […]
This repository contains the source code of the core part of AWESoME (Github). In particular, you can find the source code of the training and the classification modules. Moreover, a sample dataset is provided. It contains the traffic generated by an automatic browser visiting a (quite large) set of popular […]