Workshop: SmartData@PoliTO meets UnipolTech

Tech and SmartData@PoliTO have organized the first workshop  SmartData@PoliTO meets UnipolTech”, which will take place on April 17, 2024, at 10:00 CEST at the SmartData@PoliTO research centre.

The workshop aims to get to know Politecnico and Unipol staff and to describe possible collaborations by presenting the research area and data available from UniplTech. The research areas include in particular: the analysis of mobility data and the creation of predictive models based on machine learning and artificial intelligence, the use of mobility data for policy decisions at urban and suburban level and the innovation of business models based on mobility data. The collaboration aims to produce studies that support decision-making processes to reduce environmental impact and to interpret the impact of these processes on individual decisions.

The workshop will consist of a single session in which the UnipolTech team will first present the challenge and the available data, followed by technical contributions from the SmartData@PoliTO members.

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