Giordano Paoletti
PhD Student - Online Social Networks and Instant Messaging apps, Complex Graphs, Data Science for Social Good
Email: giordano.paoletti@polito.itGiordano is a PhD student in Computer and Control Engineering under the supervision of Professors Luca Vassio and Marco Mellia at the Polytechnic of Turin. His main research interests concern the study of complex dynamics in online social networks, combining the modelling approach of network science with the data-oriented nature of AI. The purpose is to use the heavy number of digital traces that online users actively or passively generate to analyse patterns in user behaviours with an interest directed toward the detection and the mitigation of social threats (e.g. misinformation, fake news spreading, coordinated malicious actions, etc.).
Prior to that, Giordano obtained a Master’s Degree in Physics of Complex Systems at the University of Turin, graduating with honors in April 2022, discussing a thesis entitled ‘Network polarization simulation and monitoring: a case study on 2021 Twitter’s political debate in Rome’, carried out under the supervision of Professors Giancarlo Ruffo (UniTO) and Michele Coscia (ITU of Copenhagen).
Subsequently, he worked for 13 months at ISI Foundation, as a Junior Researcher, thanks to winning one of the prestigious Lagrange grants for research on Data Science for Social Good. In this experience, he focused on studying the vaccination debate in Europe on Twitter, unravelling the political context of the users involved.