Andrea Pagnani
Scientific Board and Main Proponent - Statistical physics, combinatorial optimization, bioinformatics, biological modeling, statistical inference
Email: andrea.pagnani@polito.itWebsite: link
His research interests are: statistical physics of disordered systems, combinatorial optimization algorithms, and statistical inference and computational biology (structural predictions of intra/inter protein interactions from multispecies sequence alignment, statistical modeling of competing, endogenous mRNA, inference of signaling pathways, inference of regulatory networks from “omic” data, algorithms for metabolic networks). He co-authrored more than 60 peer reviewed papers. His semina work on the inference of structural properties in proteins from co-evolutionary sequence data has been chosen by the Faculty of 1000 ( as exceptional publication in 2011, and by the IEEE CS 2022 technical report of 2014, as among the most relevant challenges in contemporary computational biology and bioinformatics.