Alberto Viglione
Partecipating Member - Catchment hydrology, Floods; Statistical hydrology, Climate change, Extreme events
Email: alberto.viglione@polito.itWebsite: link
Alberto viglione is an hydrologist, Associate Professor at the DIATI – Polito. His research objectives are a) to understand the spatio-temporal dynamics of climatic, hydrologic, and human processes in river basins; b) to decipher the implications of these dynamics on the probabilities of extreme hydrological events (floods and droughts) and their evolution in space and time; and c) to assess the risk associated to extreme hydrological events. His research strategy is a combination of a) investigation of long time series of observed/reconstructed climatic, hydrologic, and human-related variables; b) comparative analysis of climatic, hydrologic and human-related variables across spatial gradients; and c) conceptual modelling of the interconnection of climatic, hydrologic and human processes as a mean to understand what the data say.